Hello and thank you for being here! I am SO glad that you have come across my website. 

My name is Erin and I own and operate Prettily Popped here in my hometown of Fredericton, New Brunswick. 

If you know me at all, you would know that I have always had a strong passion for all things party/event related! I have been part of SO many gatherings in my adult life where my role has been to design/decorate/perfect the space. It is a role that I LOVE, take seriously and, quite frankly, am good at!

I take such pride in my work, regardless of event, and simply love seeing a vision come to life by my own two hands. This has included countless birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings and more over the years! This has been mostly for friends and family, but after completing a giant balloon garland for a work event and hearing just how enjoyable the results were, I decided HEY, I just might have something here... And so, Prettily Popped was born. 

I am having so much fun creating custom pieces for my hometown and am certain that I can make your next event POP, big or small! Have a look around the site and be sure to contact me shall you have any questions/comments/concerns. 

Thanks again for being here, 


Owner, Prettily Popped